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Our world

100 подписчиков

This Man Saw A Dog Being Sold For Meat And Just Couldn’t Walk By

Xingyi Danielle’s dad was walking down the street in China one day looking for a place to grab a bite when he saw a group of people selling live dogs trapped in bags for meat consumption. The man didn’t have the heart to simply walk by… Show Full Text So, he paid $90 for one of the doggies and

Dad’s Explanation Why He Puts His Toddler On A Leash Goes Viral, And He Has A Point

Ever thought about putting your toddler on a leash? Probably. But have you ever actually done it? Probably not. But one dad decided to do just that while visiting a farmer’s market with his young daughter recently, and instead of the outcry we were expecting, many parents have actually applauded

This Intimidating Guy Took A Baby Doll Shopping With Him, And The Story Behind It Is Amazing

Keenan Watkins of North Vernon, Indiana put his pride on the line when he walked into a Goodwill store with a baby doll strapped to his cart, but the story behind the odd scenario is deeply touching – and it’s going viral for all the right reasons. Show Full Text Goodwill employee Sadie Collins was

Dad Turns Kids’ Toy Cars Into Badass “Mad Max” Vehicles

This California-based director and father just created Mad Max: Fury Road vehicles for his kids and they look totally insane. Show Full Text Inspired by Mad Max, obviously, father Ian Pfaff started off with the classic Little Tykes Cozy Coupes. He then used anything he could find, from old computer

Muslim Teen Asks Dad If She Could Remove Her Hijab, And His Response Is Brilliant

17-year-old Lamyaa from Pennsylvania was recently engaged in a group chat with friends. When everybody started discussing Donald Trump, Lamyaa, who is an Arab Muslim Woman, contributed to the discussion with her own strong views about the president. Realizing that she was a Muslim, a mutual friend

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