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Instagram vs. Reality: German Artist Makes Fun Of Those Perfect Instagram Photos

There‘s no doubt that most of us know that feeling when you suddenly catch yourself questioning your life choices while scrolling on Instagram… All those people and their perfect everyday life moments that they share with the world can sometimes be too much to handle, but are they really true?

Celebrities Freak Out Their Fans By Getting What Look Like Skin Implants

What do TV personality Kim Kardashian, fashion designer Tan France, and models Chrissy Teigen and Andreja Pejic have in common? Recently, they all surprised their followers by posting pictures with freaky body modifications. And they all did it for the same reason. Recent Instagram trends, like

How People With Fake Service Dogs Create Real Problems For People Who Truly Need Them

Service animals are vital companions to people with disabilities, diligently and selflessly helping them to live their lives with as much freedom as possible, and protecting them from harm. However, some people abuse the system and lie about their dog being a service dog, or get dubious

Someone Just Exposed The Crazy Way Some Newspapers Create Fake News

‘Fake news’ a term that has been thrown around so casually it has harmed the reputation of journalists, but you know what hurts them even more? Shitty journalism. Freelance journalist Matthew Barbour epitomizes what we call unethical journalism practices (despite being repeatedly exposed). His most

Someone Is Creating Fake Dog Breed Wikipedia Pages, And Komodor Will Crack You Up

Dot Boi source Mop source Samoyed (Shoob) source Long Boy source Sosig Boi source Shork source Boof source Horse Boi source Aussieee Boi source Corgo source Golden Boy source German Boiii source Pom source Shibe source The Terrierorist source Lab Boi source Puggo source Nijna source Crorcodole

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