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100 подписчиков

41 Cynical Comics I Created To Deal With A Breakup After A 15-Year Relationship

I started creating @JustJohnComics as a coping mechanism to deal with a break-up after a 15-year relationship. John started out as someone who everybody should hate (and was portrayed after the person responsible for the split), but – as time passed and life got better – gradually he turned into a

55 Comics By French Artist Filled With Light-Hearted Humor And Daily Struggles

Bilingual graphic designer, comic artist, and cat lover Juliette shares everyday moments as comic strips with her 18k followers on Instagram. Humorous and light-hearted, her comics might remind you of another familiar everyday life – yours. The artist depicts her own daily struggles as a girl, and

32 Uncomfortable Truths About Relationships That Single People Will Appreciate

Ahh, Valentine’s Day… A “holiday” that strikes fear in the hearts of the newly coupled, worried that their gift-giving and grand romantic gestures might not live up to the great expectations foisted upon us from Hallmark and countless RomComs. It’s also a day for singles to celebrate themselves,

My 48 Minimalistic Comics About The Everyday Life That Surrounds Us

Comics as a medium to express have always fascinated me. They are comparable to poetry in my mind. You convey something in a limited amount of space. I started drawing comics called “Life in Bits” to express the world I observe in a constrained way. Depicting ironies in life via open-ended

I Create Comics About Everyday Situations That Are Hilariously Relatable

Do you pretend to die whenever you catch the flu? Still, give in to your childish needs? Or are you always hungry? Then you’ll relate to at least one of these comics created by me! So do not waste your time, scroll down the page and laugh at these hilariously relatable comics! More info: Facebook

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