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Customer Demands To Tie Up His Fridge With T.V Cable Instead Of ‘Weak-Assed’ Twine, Goes Ballistic When It Backfires

The customer is always right, except for when they are oh so wrong. A former Sears employee took to Reddit to share their experience with a nightmare customer who had a very ridiculous request. If you have ever worked in customer service of any kind you know that it is your duty to try and appease

The Way This Guy Screwed Up While Trying To Talk Dirty To His Girlfriend Is Hilarious

Sex is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Right up there with eating a tasty meal, getting a refreshing night’s sleep, scoring a great goal, or just a nice cup of tea, the simple fulfillment of this basic human urge brings a sense of satisfaction that’s hard to beat. However, being a complex coming

People Are Applauding The Way This Employee Got Revenge On His Boss Who Made Him Work While Sick

There’s no denying it, we all work too much these days. As it’s gotten so much easier to take our job home and on holiday with us, the temptation to do a little extra here and there and never fully switch off is real and has even become an expectation in some companies. Image credits: Scott Atwood

Woman Trying To Lose Weight Gets Bullied In Gym, So This Random Stranger Avenges Her

It’s that time of the year when people are at the peak of their ‘new year new me’ phase, with only a week down the novelty surely can’t have worn off just yet, can it? For those of us who don’t bother with resolutions, it can be a mildly annoying period, with friends gushing over vegan recipes,

Someone Shares ‘Emotionally Manipulative’ Anti-Abortion Picture, Gets Destroyed With Facts

Abortion has been an emotionally-charged and divisive topic for many years and shows no signs of letting up. Central to the argument for many people is pinpointing the exact time when ‘life’ begins. Is it at conception? The first heartbeat? Brain activity? Or when the baby actually emerges from the

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